Sunday, May 13, 2012

To My Mother

Happy Mother's Day everyone!
I am currently still at school about to take finals this week.
This is the first Mother's Day that I have not been home with my mom on this day.
My family went to church together today and went out to eat for my mom. Wish I could have been there!
Today, I went to church for my last time in Birmingham until August. So sad! 
They did this really cool thing though. All of the mom's in church stood up, and we placed our hands on them and prayed over them. I placed my hands on this woman who was expecting her first child. It was just so symbolic. That even though I wasn't with my mom, I was still praying for her this morning and "placing my hands on her."
Now, everyone says that there mom is the best mom in the world, BUT mine is pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
My mom is the kind of woman I look up to and try and follow after. It became apparent to me that my mom was more than a simple mom to me, but a role model. 
 I came home from school one day and I walked in the family room. My mom was sitting on the couch reading her Bible and working on her Bible study. At that moment, I knew that when I got older, I wanted to be just like her. She is one special lady.
My mom is so loving. There are moments when I break down and feel I am failing, but I call my mom and she encourages me in immense ways. She always looks for the positives in everything. Her words of love and encouragement mean so much to me. I am thoroughly blessed by her. 
My mom is also the most hilarious women you will meet. She is the kind of mom who will walk into her child's room when they are doing homework and start dancing and singing at the top of her lungs to "I Gotta Feeling" or "Pumped for Kicks." She is insane, and I love her. She also, has a pretty good "Sid the Sloth" voice. She can make me laugh even when I've had a horrible day. 
Being in Birmingham, so far away from her is so very hard. But, I know the Lord wants me here. It makes the moments I have with my mom even more special, because they are limited. She truly does not know the depth of my love for her and how much I miss her. 
I'll see you very soon mom! Love you!
Kelly Jean Thompson. You are a Proverbs 31 Woman. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Lord is proud of You!

Some of you might be done with finals, but us Samford students are not.
I have one more week left until I am home in my Beautiful Texas.
Oh, how I love thee.
Well, the students here including myself are stressed, worried, and tired.
BUT...(of course there's a BUT)
The Lord is here. ALL the time.
I feel like a lot of the times we forget that the Lord has EVERYTHING under control.
There is NO need to stress.
There is NO need to worry.
I called my mom a few days ago and I told her that I was stressed, and I felt too much pressure on these finals coming up, because it is a make it or break it moment for me. If I do poorly on these finals, I won't get into Nursing School. And, I will be devestated. I have worked so hard this year. I don't want it to be a waste. My parents pay countless dollars for me to go here, and if I'm not succeeding, then I am failing my parents. I just want to be so smart like my brother sometimes. I envy his ability to memorize facts so fast and recall them at any moment. If I had one ounce of his brain, I feel I would be a genius. I just want to succeed. 
After my long rant to my mom about the pressure on me and the worry I have about school, she said something to the words of, "Lindsay, you will get into Nursing School, if it the Lord's plan for your life. You will do great on your finals, because you have the strength of the Lord on you side. His love is enough."
Mom's are so smart. And wonderful.
I took a step back from my situation.
Why was I worrying?
The Lord is proud of me. I am trying my best and that's what He asks for.
If the Lord plans for me to be a nurse, that is what I will be.
If it is His will, then let it be done.
This does NOT mean I don't study or work hard. This is still important. 
I just don't have to worry anymore. No more stress. No more freaking out. NO MORE!

I have been listening to this new indie/folk band called "O, Loveland" and I am in LOVE!
Here are some lyrics to there song, "Give" that have been stuck in my head for days now :)

"Love so patient. Love so wanting. Love so present. Love enduring. Love made the blind man see. And Love sets the captives free. Love is worth the fight."

LOVE is so much more than just affection towards another. It is everything. I love the part that says Love made the blind man see. In the Bible, Jesus healed a man's sight, NOT because he felt bad for him, BUT because He LOVED him dearly. 
So, remember while studying for finals that...

When you are tired, look to the Father. He will give you rest.
When you have a headache from studying, take a break and pray and read His word.
When you feel you can't go on, pray for help. The Lord is always there for you.

Goodluck with finals everyone! Don't get stressed, rely on your Heavenly Father.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Looking back and Looking Forward

It is all coming to a close. 
Freshmen year is almost over. 
Looking back I...
Fell a few times.
Had a few panic attacks.
Restled with the Lord.
BUT I also...
Laughed until I cried.
And tried to Shine for the Lord in all I do.
Safe to say, I had my ups and downs.
There were times when I called my mom crying hysterically, because I felt that I just couldn't make the grades that I needed. 
There were times when Christina and I would have deep conversations in the car and we would talk for hours.
There were times when I felt alone.
There were times when I danced like no one was watching. Can you say awkward running man?!
There were times when I would be in the library until it closed and stayed up until 3am studying for my Anatomy and Biology tests.
There were times when my friends and I would go on Sonic runs and jammed in the car.
I have many good and bad memories, but you know what got me through? My Heavenly Father.
It sounds cliche, but IT IS THE TRUTH. 
In my sad moments, the Lord was there.
In my happy moments, the Lord was there.
In my freak-out moments, the Lord was there.
I am completely thankful for His CONSTANT PRESENCE IN MY LIFE.

Now I wanted to make a list of Goals for Sophomore year:
1) In the craziness of school, to stay consistent with the Lord. NOT just reading my bible, but constantly talking with Him, telling Him everything, praying to Him, loving Him, and always looking to Him.
2) Do not spread myself too thin. This was a mistake I made this year with friends. I need to make deeper friendships.
3) Less me, more others. Instead of focusing on myself so much, focus my attention on other's needs.
4) Get more involved in my church Mosaic. I want to give back to the church.
5) To be more joyful. Joy comes from the Lord, all you have to do is ask. The Lord brings JOY!
6) To not freak-out so easily about school. And when I begin to stress, to remind myself that I am right inside the palm of God's hands.
7) To call my family more often. I call my mom the most which is wonderful, but I need to work on calling my daddy and brother and grandparents and uncles and aunties  and cousins more often too.
8) To be a LIGHT in the dark world.
9) Get into a habit of getting up earlier to read my Bible before class to feel refreshed and renewed before I start my day.
10) To love and be loved. Love the Father. Love my family. Love my sisters. Love my friends. 

*Make your own list and see if you can actually follow through in the Fall. Also, keep me accountable okay? Okay!

If you are just starting College in the Fall, do not be overwhelmed, because the Lord is watching over you all the time. He wraps himself around you. Do not be scared, but excited! A new chapter for your life. The Lord is ready for you!

Lastly, I just want to say a thank you to all my friends here at Samford and back home for loving on me, praying for me, and caring for me. And to my parents and grandparents for sending those cards in the mail all the time. You make my days much brighter and encourage me to keep going! I love each of y'all dearly. Now, please keep sending those cards while I'm at Pine Cove this summer :)