So, it's been quite a while since my last post. I'm sorry! My life has been a tad crazy.
To catch you up, I've had Spring Break now. I spent most of it in Texas with my family which was so great to see them. You never know how much you miss someone until you have to say goodbye. When I was at the airport leaving to come back for the rest of the semester, I started tearing up and began to start crying in my seat. I am so lucky to have such a loving precious family. Well, I got back to Samford and am going strong in school. Atleast trying to.
I've hit a few bumps on the road, but nothing will stop me.
These past two weeks have been hard. Lots of worrying, freaking out, mind-boggled, and just plain going crazy. I want to get into nursing school so bad and I must keep my GPA above a 3.0
I almost started crying because school was getting overwhelming.
BUT, I went to the Lord. I was sitting in Shiloh (a worship service at SU) and began thinking.
The Lord is proud of you.
Let's take that in for a minute.
The Lord is already proud of you.
Yes, we mess up and sin. BUT, when you are trying your best, seeking after Him wholeheartedly, loving His people, and showing people who Jesus is, Then the Lord is already proud of you. I DON'T have to worry. When you seek after Him, everything else will follow. I have to keep my eyes on Him.
That is what I'm learning to do. When you set your eyes on him, there is no room for worry or freaking out. It's ALL HIM.
"You don't have to worry, He's got you right inside the palm of your hand."