Monday, October 12, 2015

Living that Mary and Martha life.

As I sit here sipping my favorite latte outside in the cool breeze, I begin to ponder.
Which usually means I am thinking which then leads to a blog post. 
So, I wanted to share with you a few things I am learning and experiencing.

I became a member of Mosaic Birmingham a few weeks ago.
I sat in a chair while my friends and community laid there hands on me to pray over my heart. To pray over my soul. To pray that Jesus would use me in BIG ways.
I can't describe in words my experience of this fully, but man...It was awesome!

I also hit a wall.
Not a literal wall.
But really, I felt physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted.
It took someone else telling me that I couldn't do it all.
I was working a whole lot trying to pick up overtime to help out the unit since we have been short staffed.
I wasn't reading my bible, because I was just too exhausted. (poor excuse).
And I was emotionally exhausted because working in an ICU for about 17 days straight (as Anna Miller says), is hard on the heart at times.
I finally had 5 days off straight.
What bliss.
I asked Jesus for rest.
Well, I slept for 13 hours straight. That will do it.
I drank coffee. 
I finished Jen Hatmaker's book "For the Love" (Highly recommend).
I called my best friend.
I talked with Jesus.
I also began to learn something...

Here is what I am learning.
As some of you know, My favorite two women in the bible are Mary and Martha. 
If you haven't read, "Having a Mary heart in a Martha World" then you should!
I was reminded this rough week that I was in a Martha funk.
Jesus was saying, "Lindsay, all I want from you is for you to sit at my feet."
I always thought of myself as a sweet little Mary who just sought after Jesus and anointed His feet with expensive oils, but maybe I was not.
I wanted to say yes to everything. To be there for all my friends in there times of needs. To serve at work. 
I had someone remind me that it is okay to take time to rest and to say no and to take time to fill up my cup.

So, I am learning about balance.
Jesus loves a servant's heart, but He also loves for you to just sit with Him.
How beautiful.
Here is to learning to balance.

Also, I have taken up baking. Recipes for anything Fall would be greatly appreciated! 

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